A Little Tip For a visit to the Reservoirs
Fish more than one fly:
You never know which fly is going to work, so you need to find out just what does work on the day. You can increase your chances of success by fishing three or four flies at once, one to the point and one or more on droppers, often my chosen flies will consist of a bright attractive pattern such as a BLOB and some drab more naturalistic patterns such as buzzers, nymphs, crunchers or cormorants on the droppers. The trout may be drawn by the gaudiness of the attractor but end up taking one of the naturals. Fishing several flies at once will increase your catch rate.
Leave plenty of room between your flies:
If you're fishing several flies on the same leader ensure you leave plenty of room between them, as a general rule of thumb a gap of about 3 to 4 feet is recommended between each dropper, your top dropper can be tied four feet from the end of your fly line the second 3 or 4 foot below and the point fly 3 or 4 four foot past that, this will give you a nice long leader with well-spaced flies. Some of the expert reservoir fishermen reckon fishing the flies any closer than this reduces your catch rate. If I’m fishing brightly coloured flies, then I like a four foot gap between them. I have also found fish can sometimes get spooked by two bright flies placed too close together.
Remember if you're fishing more than one fly leave a decent gap between each one.